Chain Examples

Last updated: August 12th, 2023

Dispatch Examples


Consumable Dispatch

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;

// A simple dispatch that can be consumed
class ConsumableDispatch extends DispatchBase {
    // Implement the abstract method with no real use of $input
    public function initialize($input) {
        // Mark the dispatch as consumable, this way chain traversal
        // can be stopped by a node

        // Exclude this if you have something about your $input that
        // isn't valid for this dispatch's type

Stateful Dispatch

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;

// A simple dispatch that is stateful
class StatefulDispatch extends DispatchBase {
    // Implement the abstract method with no real use of $input
    public function initialize($input) {
        // Mark the dispatch as stateful so multiple results can be
        // stored in the dispatch by a node (or nodes)

        // Exclude this if you have something about your $input that
        // isn't valid for this dispatch's type

An Increment Dispatch

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;

// A simple dispatch that can be consumed
class IncrementDispatch extends DispatchBase {
    // Private integer for our increment
    private $counter = 0;

    // Implement abstract with override for increment number
    public function initialize($input) {
        // Mark the dispatch as consumable

        // if we have input, check if it's valid
        if ($input !== null) {
            if (is_int($input) === true) {
                // it's valid, so set it and prepare for traversal
                $this->counter = $input;
        } else {
            // we aren't modifying our counter, so prepare for traversal


    // So we can see what our counter is at currently
    public function getCounterValue() {
        return $this->counter;

    // A public method to let a node trigger incrementing the counter
    public function incrementCount() {


Node Examples


An Incrementor Node

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;
use Stoic\Chain\NodeBase;

// A node that only calls an increment method on the dispatch
class IncrementorNode extends NodeBase {
    // Need to instantiate with key/version info to be valid
    public function __construct() {


    // Implement this to actually perform processing in a chain
    public function process($sender, DispatchBase &$dispatch) {
        if (!($dispatch instanceof IncrementDispatch)) {

        // Now we're sure it's the dispatch we want, so increment
        // and simply return so the next node in the chain can do
        // its job

A Consumer Node

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;
use Stoic\Chain\NodeBase;

// A node that simply attempts to consume a dispatch
class ConsumerNode extends NodeBase {
    // Need to instantiate with key/version info to be valid
    public function __construct() {


    // Implement this to actually perform processing in a chain
    public function process($sender, DispatchBase &$dispatch) {
        // Since we don't care what kind of dispatch (all should
        // have the consume method), just consume and return

A Chatty Node

use Stoic\Chain\DispatchBase;
use Stoic\Chain\NodeBase;

// An IncrementerNode that yells out what it's doing
class ChattyNode extends IncrementerNode {
    public function __construct() {


    public function process($sender, DispatchBase &$dispatch) {
        if (!($dispatch instanceof IncrementDispatch)) {

        // Call the IncrementerNode process so it does its job
        parent::process($sender, $dispatch);

        // Echo the current counter value after incrementing
        echo($dispatch->getCounterValue() . " ");


Chain Example

use Stoic\Chain\ChainHelper;

// A plain IncrementDispatch
$rawDispatch = new IncrementDispatch();

// An IncrementDispatch that starts at 10
$offsetDispatch = new IncrementDispatch();

// First chain to execute a few chatty nodes and continue
$simpleChain = new ChainHelper();
$simpleChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());
$simpleChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());
$simpleChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());

// Traverse plain dispatch in loop
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {

// Should output:
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

// Second chain to execute chatty nodes and a consumer
$stopChain = new ChainHelper();
$stopChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());
$stopChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());
$stopChain->linkNode(new ConsumerNode());
$stopChain->linkNode(new ChattyNode());


// Should output:
// 11 12

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